Bombing range area will be 'severe clear,' possibly some hazy conditions, temperature seventy-eight degrees.
It must be confirmed by our own ground troops...this is even more difficult if hazy conditions prevail.
In the hazy conditions a bright yellow camera bag was spotted first, a few feet from the corpse, which was lodged face down between a rock and a bush.
Aerial observation and spotting of damage was made difficult by hazy conditions, and only 170 shells landed within the grounds of the two plants.
In hazy conditions, it is likely that the index will report the suspended particulate level.
It refers to a period of considerably above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost.
She was still in that hazy condition of having been jolted through the veils of sleep into a too bright consciousness.
During periods between explosions, residents and pilots may also notice occasional sulfur smell and hazy conditions due to low-level ash and volcanic gas emissions.
This improves contrast and sharpens distance vision, especially in hazy conditions.
However, the light was barely visible in hazy conditions, so in 1854, a fifth-order Fresnel lens was installed.