A hazy glow on the horizon showed the presence of a nearby town.
A hazy, gray glow came in from the window.
Court seized the arm of an officer to prevent him from moving toward the hazy glow.
During the day, the light filtered onto the water; at night, while doing a backstroke, one could see a hazy glow from the city.
For each and every one of them, man, woman, it did not matter old or young, had taken on a powerful hazy golden glow.
A dark face loomed over me, lit from behind with a hazy white glow.
In the center of the vaults, the hazy glow seemed to ignite.
The hazy glow gradually faded and my sight became keen once more.
She cast about in the fog until she caught its hazy glow no more than a hundred yards away.
The city was a hazy glow beyond the small, circular windows.