It is located in the constellation of Tucana and appears as a hazy, light patch in the night sky about 3 degrees across.
She turned in time to see a smeared bolt of lightning arc toward her from a hazy patch of dark blue- another spawn.
She could not see the bottom, but at the point where lines of perspective came together, she thought she could see a hazy patch, lit from within by ruddy, red-orange fires.
It did not seem at all strange now that Dundonald should be a hovering cloud of sparks, a hazy patch of sheer energy.
Color glimmered in hazy patches through the fading dark where streaks of sunlight danced off morning dew.
In April most of the fruit trees were in blossom, and the green horizon was dotted with hazy white patches.
The cluster will appear as a hazy patch about 1/3 of a field toward 45 Epsilon Cassiopeia.
M78 is easily found in small telescopes as a hazy patch and involves two stars of 10th magnitude.
Then, momentarily, she was surrounded with a kind of glowing nimbus, a hazy patch of light that had not been there before.
For a strange length of time after that, there were only hazy patches of memory that impressed themselves on Jason.