A hazy sun burned through the gray at about midday.
A hazy sun was about to set on the Venusian horizon.
Somberly, the three of them stepped out into the hazy sun of the mountain village.
A hazy sun sank behind the horizon, and the Woody headed for home.
He shielded the spyglasses from the bright, hazy sun.
Rusgann was shading her eyes from the hazy sun, studying the hills.
There is an allure to Egypt - the hazy sun high in the blue sky, above a sea of desert and history.
A hazy sun was trying to burn through the blizzard, and it seemed to be growing brighter.
For a few moments the clouds open and we lie in the heat of a hazy sun, our efforts justly rewarded.
The hazy sun made the ocean seem as if it were coated with cream.