Monster's furry head butting persistently against her chin woke Tempest.
Some opponents have accused Holyfield of head butting on purpose, but Byrd said he was more worried about Holyfield's fists.
Prop Ian Reynolds was dismissed for head butting in the 31-15 second division win at Aberavon.
Shadak surged upright, head butting the raider who staggered back.
That was the dragon's head, butting the ice wall that separated us.
From her ice age, she wrenched herself to turn and wrap both arms round Lucy's waist, her pounding head butting against the soft silk of her blouse.
Any team that avoids head butting in the open will also have an advantage.
Queen Lilian smashes the stone wall of the prison by head butting the walls.
Mortensen greatly respected the stunt team, and head butting them became a sign of that respect.
This is the third head butting since I came down here an hour ago.