She smiled and looked at him, cigarette protruding from his moustache, head hunched slightly forward, as if he was too tall for the car.
She watched as the leader, standing with his head hunched low, adjusted the binocs' tracking range.
And he sat there with troubled eyes, his head hunched into his shoulders, thinking about it.
His head hunched between his shoulders as if he were trying to draw into himself like a turtle.
One side of the stone might have a human or animal head with the opposite side having hunched legs.
When he turned away, his gait was awkward, his head hunched down, as if trying to hide.
Then Bel rolled away and, cautiously, sat up, head hunched into collar.
The scientist's large head hunched forward, "Say that again!"
But he was already walking, head hunched forward, hands thrust deep into his pockets, and so missed the bitter irony in her words.
His head hunched into his shoulders, he gave a mock shudder.