Dawn Steel, a producer and a former head of Columbia Pictures, observed: "It's really a very important deal for Fox.
More to the immediate point, he was head of Columbia Pictures for a year that came to an abrupt end last fall.
"I have spent my life negotiating deals," said Vincent, former head of Columbia Pictures.
Redford tells of dragging David Puttnam, then the head of Columbia Pictures, to see the film.
David Puttnam, who was deposed as head of Columbia Pictures last fall, had a sweet triumph.
Vincent, former head of Columbia Pictures, is no neophyte in labor disputes; he just has a different perspective in this one.
His father was Abraham Schneider, head of Columbia Pictures.
The project began during David Puttnam's brief tenure as head of Columbia Pictures.
According to the director, the film wouldn't have been made without David Puttnam, the former head of Columbia Pictures, who gave it the green light.
David Puttnam returns to producing, after his short, unspectacular run as head of Columbia Pictures.