He was the head of the Communist Regime Victims Association and a member of the Moldovan Writers' Union.
The flaith might be the head of a junior sept of the royal kindred or a member of another great family which was somehow in the king's service.
Confirmation and reception of the Gift of the Holy Ghost: Performed by laying hands on the head of a newly baptized member.
His father was head of one of Cornwall's leading families and a member of most of the Parliaments between 1597 and 1640.
Bob was the head of our Entertainment Department for many years and a member of the Paul, Weiss family for 50 years.
"You still have the hat on your head of a member of the Department of Justice," he said.
Muço also became head of Balli Kombëtar in Vlorë region and a member of the of organization's council.
As of 2004, she is the head of the Polish Federation of Athletics and a member of the International Olympic Committee.
In 1963 he became head of the industrial department of the party's Central Committee and a member of its economic commission.
He was the head of the KPD group at the parliamentary council and a member of the Bundestag in 1949-53.