Arskane still lay belly down beside him, his head pillowed on an arm.
When I came into Jamie's room in the evening, he was asleep, head pillowed on his forearms.
He was sitting on the ground at her feet, his head pillowed in her lap, lazily dreaming.
By eight that morning he was hard asleep, his head pillowed on his jacket.
Hours passed and Fordyce slept, head pillowed on her companion's shoulder.
Earwig was, in fact, fast asleep, his head pillowed on his arms.
Five minutes later she was asleep, the blanket drawn up about her, her head pillowed on his leg.
Her head pillowed on his knee, she was presently asleep.
His head pillowed on his arm, he slept by the fire.
In it a man was lying, asleep, his head pillowed on his overcoat.