Then one day something snaps, and without his realizing it, his head plays tricks on him.
Traditionally, the head has played the central role; the tip of the pyramid, the centre of the web.
She too held her head high as they announced the fight and played the national anthems.
The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eyes see true.
WHEN it comes to lactose intolerance, the head may play as big a role as the digestive system in many cases, scientists say.
Sir Isaac lifted his head and his tendrils played over the keys.
By keeping secrets from his master, the one-time head of the Eighth Directorate had been playing a very dangerous game.
I wonder: did these heads of government not play a part in the resolutions passed since Helsinki in 1999?
Each movie had a female guest star with whom Tora-san would usually fall head over heels (or, in the later movies, play a surrogate father figure).