All this is such a medley That my head whirls.
The woman who stood there, palely naked, was the most beautiful he had ever seen, with big, dark eyes that made his head whirl.
Now, he stood up and began to pace purposefully round the room, making Ari's head whirl as she tried to follow him with her eyes.
This meeting makes his head whirl.
He took three steps toward the far door, then stopped, pain and confusion making his head whirl.
That last idea made her head whirl.
He closed his eyes, fighting the nausea that was making his head whirl.
He looked around quickly, making his head whirl.
"Then why-" Aiah's head whirls, and she wants to lean on something for support.
They were to come in the afternoon and have dinner at night . . . an innovation that made Judy's head whirl.