In head-to-head meetings in 1974 and 1975, Bell played as well or better than Griffin.
This will be his first head-to-head meeting with Victory Gallop.
In general, the league never schedules the Giants and the Jets to play their games at the same time, except for a head-to-head meeting.
In head-to-head meetings the results aren't 100% sure :
Why should a match seven years, 10 Grand Slams and eight head-to-head meetings matter?
He was over $120,000 ahead of Lonesome Glory, with the two having split decisions in their head-to-head meetings.
Many tiebreakers are based on head-to-head meetings between teams, or games won within a division or conference.
There are too few head-to-head meetings between the top stars.
Now the track world will have to wait to see if they can live up to the building hype for a head-to-head meeting.
In head-to-head meetings, they were about even, with Lewis winning more early in the decade, Johnson later.