There are valid concerns here but the headline appears to be completely false.
Before headlines appear, and after they have faded, our writers are still there, monitoring events through the eyes of the people involved.
A little over a year ago, an incendiary headline appeared in this space: "Free the Baltics."
The threatening headlines and bombastic newspaper articles published during the crisis appeared exactly as they are quoted.
This may shock and awe you, but that headline appeared on a Boston website.
These headlines appeared over different articles on the front page of the paper.
Two days later, when that had dropped to page three, new, instant headlines appeared.
Initially, the headlines appear in the foreground, followed by an introduction, and finally zoom to the moderators or sometimes directly to news footage.
The headline and story appeared in The New York Post a month ago.
Despite his absence, the headlines that Ofahengaue was set to sign with St George still appeared.