Although the headlines have faded, many problems have not.
The Bronx boys could not play a baseball game in peace last fall, Gonzalez said, even after the headlines had faded.
But when the headlines fade, the censorious new regime will apply to everyone.
The frightening headlines have faded and almost disappeared, replaced by reminiscences of glorious seasons and simpler times.
But long after the headlines faded, it turned out that all but 60 of those matches were mistakes or for people who had legitimately moved.
Added to that, the almost monthly headline of a man going nuts and threatening a wife or child for "no reason" has faded.
But questions remain: How often have other celebrated police offensives been disbanded quietly once the headlines faded?
Two who were acquitted quietly returned to the public payroll, and the headlines faded with the local Republican machine still firmly in control.
Then before the headlines faded, he was back in the news last week announcing his return to professional basketball this season.
After you visit a topic, the headline will fade and the summary text will disappear.