When the feed was live, a big headline trumpeted the action.
"Evidence mounts that the vote may have been hacked," trumpeted a headline on the Web site CommonDreams.org.
During the spring of 1987, the headlines trumpeted what became known as the Marine spy scandal.
"Pipeline to Be the Biggest Private Project Ever in N. America," trumpeted a headline this summer in The National Post of Toronto.
The headline trumpeted: "Conde Nast has a Problem with Catholicism."
But that didn't matter; the headlines trumpeted Mr. Greenspan's support, and legislation whose prospects had previously seemed dubious sailed through Congress.
As a result, headlines never trumpeted that the manager and the principal owner were feuding, or even disagreeing.
"Daniel's Election Assures Peace," trumpeted a three-inch tall headline.
"Rick Perry's Tax Plan Would be a Disaster for America," trumpeted a headline on a column at FoxNews.com.
The relentless headlines of recent months have trumpeted the misdeeds of many a corporate executive whose shady practices and unscrupulous actions have been elevated to Olympian proportions.