Has a headstrong and tomboy character, Rikuson and her brothers have a hard time handling her.
He soon manifested great intellectual capacity, coupled with a passionate headstrong character.
The essentially poignant timbre of his sound makes this dense, headstrong young character seem vulnerable.
Neither had the commanding presence or vocal power one wants in portrayals of these two headstrong characters.
He had older advisers to consult, but there was a headstrong character developing in Saldo that Hellstrom knew he had to curb.
Her latest novel, Nameless, is a move away from Annie Bailey, and features the headstrong character, Ruby Darke.
Shakespeare's Juliet is a headstrong and intelligent character in spite of her young age, though she often seems timid to the audience because of her old age.
She seems to be a headstrong character, and likes to accomplish the important things first.
Lewis Hardy is a headstrong character who has swapped his life as a street kid to try to make a difference on the right side of the law.
He has liked how his character is "lone survivor of the apocalypse, son of the most angry and the most headstrong characters."