There was heady talk of cleanups and clinics, programs and possibilities.
It is heady talk, with at least one immediate hitch: in this ideologically cleaved Congress, the middle of the road is a very narrow space indeed.
But the heady talk has been more about what may have been President Vaclav Havel's first mistake than about the crimes and abuses of the Communists.
There is heady talk of a new industrial revolution and the total personalisation of consumer goods, as 3D printing becomes ever more affordable.
A chief of the Pawnee, hearing this heady talk, asked, "Great White Father, he come?
But the opportunity to listen in on such heady talk by such talking heads is not so common on television that one can afford to quibble.
But, he added, "There was very heady talk about Congress running the Government after the election, and it was entirely unrealistic."
Mr. Lanouette captures the intellectual excitement of those times, the heady talk in Berlin's seminars and cafes that led to a revolution in physics.
Such heady talk is remarkable considering how she was the First Lady once demonized by critics as the unelected over-reacher when her early health care effort failed.
For all the heady talk among London's intelligentsia, it was actually the free market that prompted Johnson to begin.