C'ian's power only functions at night, but it allows her to instantly heal almost any injury or illness imaginable.
He claimed to be a prophet who could heal physical deformities and illness through the laying on of hands.
Many artifacts were recovered from within the temples suggesting that these temples were used for religious purposes, perhaps to heal illness and/or to promote fertility.
Some people believe prayer has the power to heal physical and mental illness.
And they replied, "As shaman you must heal illness.
They warded off evil spirits, functioned as intermediaries between people and the spirit world, healed illness or taboo violations, and controlled weather.
They believed that spiritual doctors could heal and prevent illness, and they had a "probable belief in bear shamans".
But the doubts about the study have added to the debate over a deeply controversial area of research: whether prayer can heal illness.
In the article, A Yogic Perspective he describes how "To heal and avoid illness, one must alkalinize the body through a diet of predominately raw fruits and vegetables."
The inyangas job is to heal illness and injury and provide customers with magical items for everyday use.