Without the insertion of a tube, the incision usually heals spontaneously in two to three weeks.
An ulcer may heal spontaneously but, like most things that heal, it leaves a scar.
This condition is usually curable with appropriate treatment, or sometimes it heals spontaneously.
Sing is badly injured and hides in a traffic control pulpit, where his multiple injuries spontaneously heal.
No treatment is necessary, and it usually heals spontaneously within a few days.
If the fistula is small, it will heal spontaneously during this time interval.
Allen (1983) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause, most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously, which experience has proved to be true.
Strictures are often treated observantly; they may heal spontaneously over 12-24 months.
Small or minor injuries often heal spontaneously, especially in children.
In healthy individuals the lesions heal spontaneously in 7-14 days without scar.