The business types in Houston hate health advisories and anything else that calls attention to the city's dirty air.
"As far as I know, no health advisories have been issued yet."
The agency's annual health advisories are based on data from the state's Department of Environmental Conservation.
Another study of 11,000 people fishing in Lake Ontario also showed that anglers have not changed their eating habits despite the state's health advisories.
If infected mosquitoes are found in New Jersey, he said, the authorities will issue public health advisories and increase the spraying that they routinely do.
Instead, the agency is increasingly using the Internet, news releases and public health advisories.
All they do is send out a lot of health advisories.
Evans has data showing that nearly nobody follows the smog-level health advisories published in daily papers.
The study also recommends adhering to published health advisories.
Today, special health advisories are rare and many forms of life are returning to the water, except for humans.