Yet they constitute a huge national health burden, and suspicions are growing that one culprit may be chemicals in the environment.
While both sexes suffer from the poverty of these countries, women bear special health burdens.
Beyond the inherent moral implications, child abuse is a crime, a tragedy, and a significant public health burden.
We found there was a substantial mental health burden on New Yorkers.
The public health burden of prostate cancer is substantial.
This is a significant public health burden that can be largely preventable.
So while India has been bearing the environmental and health burdens, consumers in industrialized countries continue using plastic products without suffering any of the drawbacks.
The health burden of tobacco usage and in particular tobacco smoking is very well known.
The second proposal, on the control of salmonella, aims to reduce the public health burden caused by this agent.
Do we want to share the health burden in an equitable way, or is it every person for himself?