The Ministry of Health, together with its counterparts in the provincial health bureaux, oversees the health needs of the Chinese population.
The 10 people sickened, mostly relatives of the herder, were undergoing isolated treatment in hospital, managed by the local health bureau.
Lack of funds need not discourage from seeking competent medical care consult your health bureau.
But if the health bureau is eliminated, such services as exams for students entering public schools, trying out for sports and seeking working papers will be discontinued.
For passive surveillance, any adverse event happens after H1N1 immunization can be reported to local health bureau and Taiwan CDC.
"Guangdong is entering an extraordinary period and extraordinary measures are called for," Feng Liuxiang, deputy director of the provincial health bureau, told The Guangzhou Daily.
Interaction and exchange of information between regional health bureaus and regional water bureaus is poor.
Why the clams were contaminated remains unclear, according to Dr. Yan and an official from the municipal health bureau.
According to the provincial health bureau, about 42,000 people die of cancer every year in Gansu, accounting for 25 percent of the province's overall deaths.
He established a domestic science school for girls in 1912, a health bureau to fight malaria and trachoma, and a free public kitchen.