Former owner John Charles Yerxa said in a statement "Although health circumstances factored into my decision to sell, in selecting Harvard, I truly believe I am doing what is best for my staff and the local Edmonton radio market".
The safest and fastest way to reduce abortions and unwanted births is to assure that every sexually active woman is always protected by a contraceptive that suits her needs and health circumstances, unless and until she chooses to become pregnant.
- Acceptance of disability: the employers know and accept their employees' health circumstances, and tolerate a certain level of mistakes, which gives the employees a sense of security.
Surveys show that Americans want to have a trusted, personal physician available to call on under all health circumstances.
Meanwhile, tourists can unwittingly find themselves in dire health circumstances in places like Ukraine, where medical clinics frequently lack the most basic equipment or facilities for blood transfusions.
In response to the report of the expert group and to the controversial death of Savita Halappanavar in an Irish hospital, the government announced that it would enact legislation clarifying the health circumstances under which termination is permitted.
This information may not fit your specific health circumstances.