Mrs. Schroeder is a mental health clinician at Serv, a nonprofit social services agency in Passaic, N.J.
- There is a shortage of qualified mental health clinicians, especially for children younger than 5, and for families in middle-and-low income groups and/or of minority background.
The attending doctor must notify the proper officers, who are usually public health clinicians called consultants in communicable disease control.
Finally, a program that reimburses psychiatrists only discriminates against other mental health clinicians.
One of the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorders referred to mental health clinicians is ADHD.
Diagnosis is based on a mental health clinician's observations of an individual's behavior while the client is experiencing active symptoms.
Doctors must find mental health clinicians to whom they can refer these patients.
The jail did have a mental health clinician, Thomas Welter, who was employed by Physicians Network Association, a subcontractor.
This means that police officers and mental health clinicians are housed out of the same building and respond to calls as a team.
Though smoking cessation is generally now a goal of mental health clinicians, there is a lack of empirical research showing successful strategies for accomplishing this goal.