The business seemed to have faltered after they left - possibly an early health craze - then the monks were hard at it again in the 9th and 10th centuries.
Utahns, no longer culturally isolated, also responded to national fads and seemed to be particularly attracted to certain health crazes.
The man who had made spooning sugar obsolete and created millions of sugar-pack shakers rode the crest of the health craze of the 1960's.
Q. This year, you benefitted from yet another "health craze"?
"The health craze is not a fad."
In 1954 he had small roles in "Athena," a satire of the postwar health craze, and in "Jail Bait," directed by Edward Wood.
Two consumer trends are responsible for microwave popcorn's rise: the health craze and the growing popularity of microwave ovens.
Bagels are in great demand, Mr. Lengel added, "because of the health craze.
Fitness fanatics have been warned that they could seriously injure themselves if they join in the latest health craze without proper preparation.
Tough drunken-driving laws, an increase in the drinking age to 21 years and the enduring health craze have tempered drinking habits.