Daily living conditions enormously impact health equity too.
Medsin is a grassroots student network focussed on global health equity.
The goal of these efforts is to help reduce health disparities and promote health equity.
"This knowledge informs what we as a society can do at a local, regional, national and international level to create the conditions for greater health equity."
We are especially concerned with health equity and thus have a special focus on disadvantaged populations who suffer disproportionately from illness and disability.
Ensuring health equity is key to reversing the trajectory of the epidemic.
These ideas have been applied by Amartya Sen to address key aspects of health equity.
Therefore, changes in these classic measures are especially useful when focusing on health equity.
The existence of health disparity implies that health equity does not exist in many parts of the world.
The charter states that physicians have a responsibility to promote health equity when some health resources are scarce.