Follow-up health monitoring of these workers has not revealed any adverse impacts from the two accidents.
Many companies also proposed more stringent health monitoring of employees, families and company visitors.
The journal is intended to foster the intersection of different technologies to address the needs and applications for structural health monitoring.
Sensors can be attached to people for health monitoring, which may include heart rate, blood pressure etc.
However, we now need a significant investment by the federal government into health monitoring and treatment for those who are sick or injured.
Despite the health monitoring of the two dozen people he had contact with, doctors believe they are at little risk from Sabia virus.
They include functions for error reporting and health monitoring.
Environmental and health monitoring and surveillance could accordingly be carried out.
I should also like to stress that this must lead to the creation of a permanent structure for health monitoring.
The Commission lacks the requisite expertise for health monitoring which is proposed in the report.