Health care system and public health preparedness.
To assist in state efforts to ensure public health preparedness for a terrorist event.
Dr. Khan is responsible for all of CDC's public health preparedness and response activities.
TFAH publishes an annual report on public health preparedness called, Ready or Not?
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has financed several centers for public health preparedness around the country, including one at Columbia.
Protecting the public from health threats involves public health preparedness as well as medical preparedness.
Because of its unique abilities to respond to infectious, occupational, or environmental outbreaks and events, CDC plays a pivotal role in public health preparedness for catastrophic events.
The central difference between the administration's proposal and Dr. Koplan's is the amount each would spend on state and local public health preparedness.
In this role, Mr. Hauer was responsible for coordinating the country's medical and public health preparedness and response to emergencies, including acts of biological, chemical and nuclear terrorism.
"This new site makes the most-requested information on public health preparedness and emergency response easier to find and update quickly."