If you are already receiving benefits and have other health-related questions, contact the VA Medical Center near you.
The company requires what it calls a medical consultation, which amounts to answering health-related questions by computer, agreeing to the terms of a disclaimer and plugging in a credit card number.
The program interviews you, asking as many as 175 health-related questions.
The NHANES interview includes demographic, socioeconomic, dietary, and health-related questions.
You may also find answers to your health-related questions at the Health and Human development information section of this Web site.
Viewers could call in with health-related questions for that week's topic and the program was co-created by Dr. Albert E. Thielen, who also moderated the program.
I asked a variety of health-related questions within the questionnaire.
Smith led her through the same set of health-related questions he had already asked the Voronovs.
If you have a health-related question that is not an emergency, please contact CDC.
If you have health-related questions or concerns about insect repellents or insecticide products used to control mosquitoes in and around the home, contact NPIC.