It also provides home care and a host of additional health-related services.
The services included sauna-bathing, massage, aerobics and other health-related services.
Dental care, cosmetic surgery, and other health-related services at Western standards are widely available in urban areas, though costs vary.
Due to the principle of autonomy and law of consent there is no legislative restriction on who can treat patients or provide medical or health-related services.
An additional spectrum of health-related services has also become available at this spa, including massages and mud baths.
Other health-related services include assisted living, home health and long-term care.
Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with low income in the United States.
Funds received by eligible claimants would be used primarily for medical monitoring and other health-related services.
Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies.
Patients can get drug treatment, psychiatric counseling and other health-related services as well as tutoring, help with applications for government benefits and other assistance.