Remember when he brought in the healthcare bill, smiling broadly as if he were ever so clever to pull that stunt?
Schaufler has also been criticized for his record of siding with republicans on various issues in the legislature, including stalling a healthcare bill.
Today, Medicare now directly pays most of the healthcare bills for 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, even if they are very sick.
July 22 - The President holds a primetime news conference to address concerns over the healthcare bill in Congress.
In an attempt to cut healthcare bills, some American corporations have embraced an activity monitor which keeps track of their workers' movements.
I actually sat down and read all 2,000 pages of the healthcare bill.
In the last days of 2011, the government introduced a new healthcare bill.
Arafat resigned the following day, citing the main reason as the need for a fair criticism of the healthcare bill from outside the government.
Congressman Flake reads and discusses the Democrats' massive healthcare bill with his colleagues.
We couldn't afford the government we had before the $2.5 trillion healthcare bill.