However, her vote in favor of healthcare legislation and the lack of an entrenched image in certain corners of the district left her vulnerable.
The far-reaching reform Clinton failed to achieve in his 1994 healthcare legislation happened incrementally through the private sector and through gradual expansion of healthcare coverage to children.
The healthcare legislation that passed last year had serious flaws.
Nova Scotia is currently debating healthcare legislation aimed at removing the threat of striking healthcare workers and replacing it with binding arbitration.
Democratic leaders joined Congressman Charles Rangel Tuesday in announcing healthcare legislation that will provide affordable, quality care for the vast majority of...
More specifically, Berkley is accused of pushing healthcare legislation that would benefit her husband's medical practice.
In 2010, President Obama's healthcare legislation took the policy nationwide for any chain with 20 or more restaurants.
When Romney's official portrait was made for the Massachusetts State House, the composition included a leather binder with a medical seal representing the healthcare legislation.
Recognizing the continued need for reform, Congress began considering possible healthcare legislation in the summer of 2009.
He cited Tester's support for the healthcare legislation and the 2009 stimulus, both of which Rehberg opposed.