Now we have to re-educate people that there are some healthful choices at their restaurants.
They will receive awards for their commitment to putting healthful choices on their menus.
She ate fruit and vegetables, turkey and low-fat yogurt - healthful choices.
The institute offers a program that teaches people how to build physical activity into their lives and to "make healthful choices at home or on the road."
Here's the quandary, though: How do you grab healthful choices that go beyond the sorry frozen chicken piccata but that won't require a lot of work in advance?
It's because when parents share meals, it usually means there are more healthful choices on the table.
I began working with King Kullen to provide more healthful choices, more organic produce.
Among the healthful choices in the cafe is low-fat butternut squash soup ($3 for a small bowl).
Thirdly, preoccupation with one's physical body can hinder decision-making abilities regarding healthful behavioral choices.
Waffles, too, with about 35 percent of calories from fat, can also be healthful choices.