The need for healthful living and engagement in leisure and recreational activities is universally accepted, but it is perhaps even more essential for people with disabilities.
Qigong groups, which promote healthful living, therefore attracted millions of followers.
Many are redundant, recommending familiar habits of healthful living as keys to sound slumber.
Neither of those settings immediately calls to mind education, healthful living or the faint air of prestige that goes along with the brand's price points.
More healthful living, which includes quitting smoking, using seat belts, reducing violence and eating more nutritiously, is the key to improving health, Dr. Sullivan said.
The Book Publishing Company publishes books about sustainable and healthful living.
Good healthful living, too, out in the sun and open air and you'd get to see some country, more than likely.
"I've always preached clean, healthful living," she said.
While most books focus on addictive behavior, others deal with emotional healing and healthful living.
Nevertheless, California, known for a generally progressive view toward healthful living, may have been the perfect place to enact such a wide-ranging law, the first in the country.