Fiber can also discourage growth of harmful bacteria and encourage healthy bacteria in the colon.
For example, probiotics can be taken to promote the healthy bacteria in the body.
You might have heard of probiotoics - healthy bacteria that live in your intestines.
They also promote healthy bacteria that help the intestines to digest nutrients properly.
Supplements can be taken as a substitution of the enzyme missing or to introduce healthy bacteria into the immune system.
These viruses can be a problem in industries that produce food and drugs by fermentation and depend on healthy bacteria.
Some studies have shown benefit of administration of probiotics ("healthy bacteria").
It's rich in calcium and contains seven live active cultures healthy bacteria that can help aid digestion.
"Maybe that keeps some bacteria healthy and alive, too, but with proper handling the risks can be greatly reduced."
It also has more powerful vision protectors than other grains and helps increase healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.