They were the healthiest group of people I've known.
"We tend to think of them as a rather healthy group, but a prevalence of 19% with hypertension is alarming."
Thus, on average, hormone-takers are probably a healthier group to start with.
Employers not only want a healthy group, they want to keep a lid on health costs - and insurance premiums.
A:I think physicians have always realized there was this healthy group.
House also has Cuddy take blood from the one healthy newborn in the hospital to use as a control group.
There is no significant difference between the healthy group and those who are diagnosed with psychotic bipolar disorder.
For example, one group could be better off at the end just because they were a healthier group of people right from the start.
As capital is directed to stronger companies, customers will be left with a generally healthier group of life insurers.
Bad apples often create a negative emotional climate that interferes with healthy group functioning.