Boots pharmacist Milak Rahman shares his advice on how to have a healthier holiday.
A new online Malaria Prevention service is just one of the ways in which Boots can help you have a healthier, happier holiday.
Then plan a healthy holiday.
Have a happy, healthy holiday.
Exams were over, she'd done all that was expected of her, and more, and now she was free to enjoy the last weeks of term and, after that, a proper healthy holiday.
Take our health quiz and see if you know how to have a healthy holiday and happy new year.
With a bit of preparation before you go, and avoiding the common illnesses while you're away, you'll have a safe, healthy holiday.
Set up by a former banker who wanted a healthy holiday without the hair-shirt or the hassle, Destination Yoga aims to combine top-class instruction with beautiful locations and accommodation.
So, if you're looking for a really healthy holiday this year, grab a jumper and head for Eire, Sweden or the Netherlands, where only three per cent of visitors reported any illness.
Follow the links below to find WebMD's comprehensive coverage about how to avoid health hazards this year and have a safe and healthy holiday.