Until Bonanno, therapists and psychiatrists considered the absence of grief a pathology to be feared, rather than a healthy outcome.
Without advanced medical knowledge, local customs become key to a healthy outcome.
Patients are not intimidated by us; they will ask questions, change their behavior accordingly (hopefully), with the net result being a healthy outcome and at reduced cost.
But it is nonsense to carry that endurance obsession into the birthing process, where the sole objective should be a safe and healthy outcome for all involved.
But to ensure a healthy outcome, try to avoid delaying your decision for too long.
Learning to think positively and to look towards healthy outcomes can help considerably in any diet programme.
The story turns out badly for all involved, as the resolution of this unstable triangle is not a healthy outcome.
"The bureaucracy seems almost designed to entrap and then prohibit a healthy outcome."
The healthiest long-term outcome is likely if the Soviets work out their own political arrangements.
FindYouthInfo.gov - 12 Federal agencies that support programs and services focusing on youth; promotes the goal of positive, healthy outcomes.