There is something to be said, too, for hearing Mozart played by the kind of supercharged, highly polished music-making machine the Philharmonic is these days.
Vienna is all about music, so it would be an arrestable offence not to hear Strauss and Mozart here.
Walk down the school's mauve hallways and you're likely to hear Mozart wafting from a portable stereo.
Over a calm blue sea, with beautiful green hills in the background, we hear Mozart.
Strange to hear Mozart lilting on in the background.
Look" - she kicked up a foot - "I can hear Mozart and be barefoot at the same time.
Not all of us prefer to hear Mozart on original instruments all the time.
I know that if there's a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart.
When you walk down the street in Switzerland you hear Mozart and Beethoven from within the houses, not boogie-woogie.