A. We started the women's movement about 15 years ago, which was much later than hearing women did.
They might be surprised enough to hear a woman on the radio that they'll leave you alone.
Then from down the hall they could hear a woman screaming.
Once I saw a small party return, heard women screaming for a while, and knew that some of our people had been run down.
Never in his life had he heard a woman utter those words and then follow up with good news.
But now, in the last eight or nine months, we're hearing women who call out and say, 'What do we want?
Some people claim they have heard a woman crying for her baby around this place.
Behind me, I heard a woman yelling to let her through the crowd.
Just before dusk he heard a woman calling his name.
She heard a young woman who grew up in a foster home talk about how hard it is to get a job.