Through stunned ears, he heard screams amidst the explosions.
He saw the red weals on her tender flesh, the skin breaking open, heard the lashes like .38 shots amidst her screaming, her futile pleading with him to stop.
In her mind she thought she could hear one joyous shout amidst a clamor of other voices.
He yearns to hear the winsome song Amidst the bittersweet refrain But furrowed scorn upon his brow Recalls ashes in the rain.
Even now he could hear a faint siren amidst the shrieking of the bells.
Sabat glanced behind him, thought he heard the sobs of Lola amidst the waiting throng.
She looked at the transmission in the flat screen, tiny images, cries she barely heard amidst the booming of her speed.
He crawled toward the LSO-the landing safety officer-and the flight deck director, both screaming instructions to him he couldn't even begin to hear amidst the raging storm.
Suddenly a ray of physical light shot through these phantasms, and Malone heard the sound of oars amidst the blasphemies of things that should be dead.
I wheeled to aid Ghor, whose panting gasps I still heard amidst the clamor of the melee.