The road passed over a creek; a gust of damp, green-scented air wafted over him, and he thought he heard frogs.
For this reason, during the first half of the nineteenth century, you seldom heard frogs at night in Milagro.
As the weather becomes warmer toward the end of the season, one begins to hear frogs croaking throughout the night.
I may as well have been hearing frogs scream or birds crying.
To hear frogs, portends that you will go on a visit to friends, but it will in the end prove fruitless of good.
In the background, I could hear crickets and frogs beginning their evening song, a sound that never seems to change.
Kate heard frogs and insects from the darkness under the trees and for a moment she could imagine that summer was coming rather than dying.
Most of these were nearly dry now, but she could hear frogs, and crickets, and insects she couldn't identify.
The variety of sound produced by different species is enormous and amazing to anyone who has only heard frogs of the temperate regions.
She could hear frogs croaking.