He was hearing and seeing his own death.
I took it just as I heard the captain's death.
He had died some five years ago after a long illness, and I had heard his death called "a happy release."
The call was meant to be for Mei-Feung, but since her father answered it, he hears his own death instead.
It's an interesting experience to hear your own death described in such matter-of-fact, history-book style.
He spun, heart clenched in fear of hearing the old man's death- but no.
Some colleges were closed by students on hearing his death.
After hearing his death, the police began questioning the family about Nante's death by drowning.
"The High King must hear of-of his mother's death," she said.
An audience of 20 million tuned into The Archers to hear Grace's death in 1955.