It was heard by the Constitutional Court on May 10, 2005, with judgment handed down on June 13.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on 23 April 1941, with judgment handed down on 6 May.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on 19 March 1976, with judgment handed down on 27 September.
It was heard in the Natal Provincial Division on November 17, 2000, with judgment handed down the same day.
It was heard in the Appellate Division from 13 to 20 December 1920, with judgment handed down on 19 February 1921.
It was heard from 17 to 19 November, 1972, with judgment handed down on 22 November.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on 28 August 1978, with judgment handed down on 16 November.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on March 15, 1994, with judgment handed down on May 16.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on 20 October 1942, with judgment handed down on 26 November.
It was heard in the Appellate Division on 24 September 1971, with judgment handed down on 20 March 1972.