Wearing a dark suit, she could be heard crying in the dock before the hearing.
He can be heard crying earlier in the game when visiting Shailagh's cabin.
However, even as the two brothers swear friendship, a voice is heard crying "Never!"
Mr. Bleyl, whose home is also close to the tracks, said children could be heard crying for their mothers.
And Alyx, who could be heard occasionally crying in the early morning hours.
McCartney's son James, who was a baby at the time, can be heard crying about two minutes into the song.
The hunting party scatters, each looking for prey on his own, but before long someone is heard crying for help.
Another story circulating the hall is that of a woman who can be heard crying in the first floor restroom.
As the second Speaker of the Sun stepped into the morning sunshine, their high voices could be heard crying the dreadful news.
The baby was heard crying in the background when Belcher's mother called.