As he aged, his hearing deteriorated, and he wore special headphones at council meetings so he could hear what was going on.
On the downside, his hearing had deteriorated to the point that conversation became difficult, necessitating the use of conversation books.
By the time she was 20, Julia's hearing had really deteriorated.
The Ninth Symphony was composed at a time when Beethoven's hearing had deteriorated severely.
The families also complained that last week's hearings deteriorated into a partisan spat over a book by Richard A. Clarke, the former counterterrorism official.
Within three years his hearing had deteriorated to the point he had to give up his teaching job.
Her hearing deteriorated further, and she refused to wear her hearing aid.
But at 72 he was complaining that his hearing had so throughly deteriorated that he could no longer work behind a mixing board.
Bowman heard nothing, but after six years of flying F-14s off aircraft carriers, he wouldn't be surprised if his hearing had deteriorated.
As the disease progressed, his equilibrium, eyesight and hearing deteriorated.