This hearing marks a turning point.
The hearings today marked a departure from six years of Congressional activity in which concerns about the Federal deficit made it virtually impossible for lawmakers to propose any major expansion of health or welfare programs.
Today's hearing, in a Montreal courtroom, marked the first time in the unfolding case in which anyone has publicly tried to assemble the pieces of the puzzle.
Tuesday's hearing marked the second straight hearing in which the actress wasn't on the receiving end of threats of further punishment.
Today's hearing marked Mr. Lindh's second appearance in court since his return to the United States on Jan. 23.
Past hearings have already marked this conductor as someone to watch.
It is critical that these hearings also mark the beginning of a valuable debate about the future of American intelligence.
The hearings thus mark a return to the practice despite the stiff objections of the real estate industry.
The hearing marked the first public comments about the circumstances surrounding the bankruptcy from MF Global's former CEO, Jon Corzine.
Tuesday's hearing will mark the first time in 15 years that the Court looks at some of the controversial issues that continue to plague the decisions.