In bats this is known to happen, but here the hearing sensitivity is also reduced close to a target.
Already some research has suggested that hormones may cause the increased hearing sensitivity that some women report during parts of the menstrual cycle.
The one with the toolbox gestured, and Trystin absently cranked up his hearing sensitivity.
However, in order to - hear Jeff 's instruction to reactivate, the other robot has to maintain hearing sensitivity and at least some mental activity.
An audiometer is used to determine a person's hearing sensitivity at different frequencies.
"I turned up my hearing sensitivity when he left", said Hunter.
This ensures that measurements on impulsive noise take proper account of our reduced hearing sensitivity to short bursts.
Bats, for one, do something similar: they use muscles in their ears to increase hearing sensitivity over time.
Damage to these hair cells results in decreased hearing sensitivity, i.e. sensorineural hearing loss.
In addition, our hearing sensitivity is frequency dependent.