Within a minute, heart abnormalities appeared on the animals' electrocardiograms, along with changes in blood pressure and breathing.
We couldn't believe he could not be but the heart abnormalities were all there.
The condition is not associated with heart abnormalities.
Diagnosis is often made based on symptoms in the absence of heart abnormalities.
While the autopsy results are not ready, it appears that ephedra, combined with possible liver and heart abnormalities, may have brought the young man down.
Some panel members expressed concerns about children with structural heart abnormalities who might be given stimulants.
Cardiac arrest in those under 35 typically results from an undiagnosed heart abnormality.
"This kind of screening is easy, it's inexpensive and it could probably catch many heart abnormalities early, before the athlete dies."
Such heart abnormalities generally appear several weeks after infection, and usually begin to resolve even before treatment.
The syndrome was identified for the first time in people with heart abnormalities.