"True," he admitted, his heart becoming cold with fear again.
Until this moment he had not realized how positive his heart had become that they would never see Roland and Jake again.
The closer she got to the village, the lighter her heart became.
Her heart had suddenly become that of a twenty-year-old girl.
At the same time they heard a singular drum-like throbbing, as if the heart of the huge monster had become audible.
My heart became like lead, but immediately I began the descent.
Rather, it means that the heart's pumping power is weaker than normal or the heart has become less elastic.
Through the throng of these their way must lead, and at the sight the hearts of all became as stagnant water in the sun.
The hospital must know where to contact you at all times should a heart become available.
The reunion illustrated that artificial hearts are fast becoming another tool in the physician's medical bag.